To our nation I say, do not be slaves to other people's thoughts and desires, do not be swayed by group think or popular opinions. Question everything thoroughly even what I have to say. Free your minds, only in calm still water, can we see images clearly and only from different perspectives can we take in an image for all its beauty or for all its ugliness. Our land is vast, with many beliefs, different attitudes, mannerisms, economies, states of education, wealth, industry, and so many other dimensions to this picture of us. We are, but human though, like all the great empires, great nations, and great peoples that came before us.....history writes our tale, of the birth, the rise, and the fall of our nation. As we dance in this endless waltz of humanity, I ask that you seek the history of those that came before us and there you will find the answer to the future of our nation and how to change it. Put your findings through the fire of life, test it against the human experience, strengthen it by pounding it in the open air against the anvil of different ideas, and if your findings survive....then your sword of truth will be ready and I will be waiting for your decree.


To my fellow American, this nonsense has to end...why continue with elections that many question the trustworthiness of the vote? Why continue down this path of madness, when you know no matter who wins the other side will cry foul and extremists will seek violent retribution. This insanity will only push us to further civil unrest and even closer to civil war. We have the power to stop it, but instead of finding a better solution to nullify or limit damage, everyone is content with just walking down this path of self-destruction. These elected officials on both sides are only playing everyone for power and so many of you are caught up in your little political bubbles you can’t even see this madness.


You have one side of the presidential election that has a candidate who has been in office for decades and has little to nothing to show for it and is foolish enough to suggest that if he was president everything would be made right. Since when did this nation become a dictatorship? What stopped him from making meaningful change before? Nothing really stood in his way as an elected official and vice president of this nation. Nothing stopped him from being real leader before, suggesting new policies and convincing people through good reason that his ideas are in the best interest of the whole nation. So what do you think he will do now if he lacked the leadership then? And what of his running mate another failure of a leader in power, coming from a state that is riddled with problems that she helped create and a state people are currently running from, but you would have her become vice president? What sort of insanity would grasp any reasonable person to think of voting for either of these fools? Hatred/Bigotry? Selfishness? Ignorance? Lies?

What of the other side of the coin, a celebrity who most obviously loved before he became president and now all of the sudden as president, the media and elite groups that once praised him turn on him. Now conservatives and other voters flock to him hoping he will make things right or keep the looneys out. But, they too are being fooled by themselves. You can trust he is not trustworthy when he plays groups of federal agents as pawns to stir up more civil unrest in opposition held districts and states to let citizens “know who to vote for” during the cost of what? More of our fellow citizen’s lives, livelihoods, tax payer purchased property, and the safety/health/welfare of federal employees? If it is okay to sacrifice them now for the “greater good” what will you think when it is your turn to be sacrificed for the greater good? I am sure many of the reasonable citizens who live in the states currently afflicted by civil unrest, know well enough after many months of craziness who is to blame for their troubles. Don’t fall for the same selfishness that led us to the employment issues we have now. Most Americans didn’t care as their fellow Americans lost their jobs to cheaper labor overseas, until it was their jobs on the line, and now look where that attitude has gotten us. What of the pro gun groups that tout the man as the only choice to protect their rights? Don’t forget he set a nasty precedence allowing the ATF to unilaterally change law, turning some law abiding citizens owning plastic accessories for firearms to felons overnight and even now the ATF is still changing legal definitions unilaterally with pistol braces. But, have these constitutional oversteps been addressed? No, they haven’t, because most of you don’t care about your neighbor enough to ensure true justice through law. You only care about what your selfish little bubble tells you to. What about draining the swamp? The two administrations before this president committed actions that can be construed as treason, but they all walk free...and the lot of you could care less, because the media you follow put a positive spin on their actions and you believe it. So much for supporting your troops, being a benefit to your country/community, or defending your constitution…you gladly forget them whenever someone guides you away from them for whatever selfish desires. They can tell you that you need toilet paper at the start of this pandemic and you all go TP crazy…They can tell you the Popeye’s chicken sandwich is the greatest thing ever and madness ensues… They can tell you a virus is super deadly based off hypothetical models that keep on getting adjusted instead of using existing data alone that contradicts the original model and yet, still so many of you believe them. Nothing but, willful slaves.

Our lives, livelihoods, and futures are all being played for their power, not our benefit. They pit us against each other, just as much as media drives us apart for self gain, keeping everybody in their little bubbles and building more fences so there can never be peace between us. Using underlying fear, hatred, and ignorance against us, no different than most “evil” dictators across the world and in history have done. But, the bigger problem is not them, it is you the average everyday citizen who gave up your responsibility towards freedom, peace, and justice...all for comfort, ease, and leisure. Unlimited freedom without responsibility is the attitude of a spoiled child or a dictator, but the problem is it all comes to a halt when a dictator with a bigger/badder army comes your way that intends to squash your little family, group, or community for personal gain. We can all learn to live in a responsible dignified freedom that is a benefit to us all and we can all grow stronger together. Even though each side likes to paint the other as the ultimate evil, it is our foolery that allows us to believe beyond all reason that our neighbor may be some villain who must be eliminated to make things right. Under different circumstances, that person you think is evil, for whatever superficial reason, may have become a good friend to you or even may have positively affected you or someone close to you, but instead you keep each other at length to become destined enemies who don’t truly know anything about each other. Strangely, this behavior ignores a long standing rule in warfare…know your enemy. We blatantly ignore history that shows us even many of those who we deem as “evil” today were under the impression they were doing the right thing, because for all intensive purposes, deep down most wanted to do what was best for the world they live in. But, how can you know what is best when you truly only know your little world? Your little social bubble...your little community, culture, state, nation, and so on….how can you know what is best for the world or for that matter what is true in this world? We have chosen to ignore thousands of years, of readily available, recorded history showing us how those corrupted by power use their power to manipulate people against each other or an individual to retain their power or gain more power. Hence, this powder keg of a situation we are in now.