I will mobilize to push for a pause in the elections being held across the country, until a better voting process, than mail-in ballots, can be implemented during this pandemic in an attempt to ensure the integrity of every citizen’s vote and the integrity of a counting process that can be accepted by all of our citizens. This is being done to avert or mitigate any violence or harm due to the outcome of the elections...in an effort to move us away from civil war, as I have seen war and I do not wish such suffering and burdens to happen here in our country. Protecting the vote, one of the pillars of our republic, is the duty of all citizens.


With both sides of the political ruling class in our country crying that their opponent is committing election fraud, at the same time we have extremist members of both camps calling for violence or stewing about civil war, and with distrust of leadership, information, and neighbors in our own communities running rampant....


We should have a pause, where all top tier government officials will be put under investigation by an army of investigators comprised of many teams of specialists hailing from all criminal investigative units within our government. Mixing FBI agents with US Army CID, US Air Force OSI, US Navy CIS, US Marshals, DHS, DEA, ICE, and whatever other trained investigators we have. All of these officials are under investigation for election fraud, treason, government fraud/waste/abuse, gerrymandering, public corruption, and failing to uphold the constitution they swore to serve under. Since the US Supreme court is too politically entrenched to act as a part of the now broken system of checks and balances, I propose we assemble a panel of judges from the land, one from each state to act in place of the US Supreme court justices.


Place all heads of state, representatives, senators, president+cabinet, department heads...under investigation for voting fraud and other crimes leading up to this presidential election.

-Up to three months of hammering out who is doing what with combined investigative teams from across the country mixing all manners of investigative teams from all parts of government including the military (OSI, CID,NCIS), FBI, US Marshals, etc. as a kind of check and balance for the investigations having so many teams from different parts of government working together on the same cases.

Place Big Pharma, Bio Research, Big Media, and others related to Corona-virus information dispersion under investigation.

-discern whether or not politics played a part in the type and timing of information released to the public...were they actively trying to deceive people? Bias towards specific parties? Extent of lies/falsehoods/misleading propaganda?

-discern what took so long developing a vaccine?

-assemble a panel of leading scientist, doctors, big pharma, and government officials... publicly interrogating them on Corona-virus rulings, judgments, decisions, and future...seek to punish all those who misused their position/profession. Question: Now that the virus is out, is there any practical way to contain it? Since we had the genetic information on the virus early in the lock-down, what took so long to determine treatment regimens? Relate the lethality of the virus. Find out why the government and businesses took the actions they did...if found any entity took selfish action regardless of national interests seek to punish them according to the law. Ultimately seeking to end all “hard” lockdowns, change mask requirements (situationally optional), and educate the public so instead of relying on big government to dictate actions…we as a people decide the best course of actions locally for our individual communities, businesses, and so on.

Use a panel of lower court judges in place of a politically entrenched supreme court.

-50 judges randomly chosen, acting in place of the supreme court.

-Put Government officials, businesses, and media on trial for current situations plaguing the country: Corona-virus, rioting, and infringement on rights of Americans across the country

-50 judges will also act as pseudo jury, unless otherwise determined by citizenry.

-maybe use a different 50 judges for every group being tried?...make it clear their actions now will show the country their capability to be a higher court judge.

Voting: If a re-vote is determined necessary by the people.

Proposal 1: Use the Block-chain

Must find a way to protect identities and verify eligibility to vote.

Must find a way to sort votes by district and tally according to the electoral college

Must find a way to make secure yet “accessible” for tech illiterate

-(first time around) using field agents and group of controlled/secured portable devices to take to people in question to aid in voting.

-agents from various branches of government should be used. ( i.e. FBI, US Army, USAF, or whatever) just middle and lower tier employees.

Promote citizens to lend computing power for the vote and use money that would otherwise be used for polling places and independent overseers as some kind of tax incentive for people willing.

Find a way to deter large entities from corrupting the vote for “special interest” like telecom/big tech companies or other public/private entities that may try to corrupt/hinder the vote with massive computing power and infrastructure available to them.

Proposal 2: Bring every citizen in to vote.

Open up polling sites around the country, voters can get a line number online like at Texas DMVs and when their number is up they may come in to vote (for COVID concerns) or just open them up for all citizens to come as they please.

Agents from various government branches will be used in teams as a sort of check and balance between themselves....just however many random agents for counting votes and ensuring the integrity of the vote. Nobody from the top of these entities though, as they are more than likely too politically entrenched with our corrupt government...only middle and lower tier agents (who just do their job).

Other Proposals to be debated and discussed…maybe added to the ballot

Position # 1 Government: Proposed changes no party will make, as it they will never “bite the hands that feed them….” should be debated and voted on.

Proposal #1

No acting leader in our government at the city, county/perish, state, or federal level should have any vested interest in any other business besides serving the people for whom they were elected to serve while in office. As such, no elected or appointed government official in a position that creates, changes, or enforces the laws or rules governing our country and territories may be a business owner in part or in whole or have investments in any business, funds, trusts, or retain any ties to any entity that would allow them to gain monetarily or gain in possession from changing/creating/enforcing laws or rules while they hold set office/position. For how can a person whole heartedly serve their people when they must manage a business too or plot for personal gain when they should be serving those they took an oath to serve. The people pay you to work for the people 24/7, you promised to serve, and the expectation is for that.

IE. City Mayor, City Planners, City Directors (Finance/Public Works/Parks/Economic Development/etc.), Fire/Police Chiefs, Governors, Senators, Representatives,....

A good leader never sets themselves up to take from their people. Officials may pass their assets on to a friend or family member while in office, but they must not be able to gain anything in any way, shape, or form from the assets they hand over, like a business. Officials may also keep savings bonds, invest in CDs, and other general investments that are not directed toward a single entity or market sector.

Proposal #2

No elected official or appointed official may serve more than two consecutive terms in any office or position. A real leader is a leader always and it does not matter where you put them, they will bring success.

A person may serve in a number of positions, but only two consecutive terms for any position. However, if the people so believe a person worthy of more than two terms, than they may re-elect that individual after another person, by public election, has served a term in the position in question.

(This would ensure capable leaders are given another chance to shine in a position they can do great works in)

Must serve 20 year minimum Federal service to reap any sort of retirement benefits, just like the military

  • this also gives the ability for serving a full career in the federal government, which government retirement service years should be re-evaluated to match across the board for all federal employees and certain benefits should be made flexible based on the health of the nation i.e. retirement pay reduced by 3-5 % during difficult economic times for the country that can be gauged by poverty/homelessness/illness nationwide. Since the fact is, if you ever truly served, you will always be ready to serve.

  • It also puts a more vested interest in the future of the country as their future retirement is at stake.

Proposal #3

There will no longer be any political campaigning of any sort. A leader's actions of service should be their campaign both while they are in office or before they even take office. If a leader must take time to plan a campaign to gain political or financial support than they are obviously not serving their people while they are in office. It can also be construed that the current campaign donation scheme is a way to circumvent our current laws against bribery of public officials.

The current scheme of making promises, “if they get elected then...” is not how real leadership works. Real leaders bring the change to the table no matter where they are or what position they hold. This is especially true in our form of government where proposals/laws/ideas can be brought to the table by any individual.

Instead of campaigning, the leader or prospective leader will be allowed a single public announcement of their candidacy, where they will also be allowed ten, fifteen, twenty minutes to list how they have already served their people. That will be put on broadcast, on all available media sources once a week (rotating time schedule slots of each candidate) and will be allowed a simple website reflecting their media spot in plain text, as well as a 1 to 3 page essay on how they would improve things.

The belief is that people who have no vested interest in the governing of our society will generally continue to not vote, people who are ignorant of the functions of government will more than likely not vote, and only those who will do research on a candidate will vote for the most part.

-as the public will no longer be bombarded with ads and campaigning propaganda and will need to be more proactive in their research of the candidates.

(the votes integrity can be bolstered by adding a quiz to the vote, with questions approved by three opposing parties/entities in government, asking questions about the law/person being voted on, if the voter fails to answer the question about the law being voted upon correctly, than their vote for that law/person will not count)

Adding penalties for violators or people who attempt to campaign in a candidates stead...like other public leaders, celebrities, athletes, business moguls, preachers, and such, promoting and endorsing a candidate using a public/social platform on or off the internet...would no longer be allowed. $250,000 to $10,000,000 fine fore every offense depending on the scope of the entity, plus public apology that is to be shown/repeated three times a day for a week at optimal advertising times. “Office talk” between individuals is fine, so long as your place of business allows such.

Committees no longer choose their own chair and committee members are no longer campaigning within the government for position.

Internal elections done by blind selection, each candidate will be given a number in place of their name for candidacy review, their plain resume (what you have done in service, no “fluff”) attached and a essay 1 to 3 page essay stating their ideas to improve governance through committee. Committee chair positions would be rotated amongst members of the committee (i.e. like military training exercises for NCOs or Junior Officers) a leader is a leader always, Humility and Wisdom are essential traits in dealing with people, especially for leaders.

Members of government currently complain about not having enough time at home.....well cut out all of the campaigning for self gain....there you got some.

Ultimately, law is not the answer, the people must bring the change themselves.

  • Putting regulations on public officials, will ultimately prove more sound than trying to regulate businesses and groups like communist or totalitarian nations do, a free market will adapt automatically, as it should and special interest groups will lose/loosen their hold on public officials. These proposals would also limit the ways foreign nations choose to influence our government.

  • The investment of tax money into the election process is just a small drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money and productivity lost due to campaigning and the politics of today.

  • People on both sides complain about corruption through campaigning. By eliminating political campaigning we limit that corruption for all sides.

  • We also level the playing field between candidates, giving candidates with less financial backing from wealthy donors/bigger pockets a better chance against those who have lots of “special interest” money at their disposal who often dominate elections and ad campaigns.

Proposal #4

Kill the budget system used in our government. It is one big system of fraud, waste, and abuse...a crime in itself, costing us billions. Currently, every government branch/department/agency has a set budget and if they don't spend their whole budget before the end of the fiscal year, they face losing budget for the next year. So the on going practice in government agencies and offices around the country is to spend every drop they have regardless of situation and ask for more money too when things come up. So it is common practice for thousands of new or serviceable computers, chairs, printers, tables, desks, projectors, rifles, and various other items getting disposed of simply to be replaced to spend unused budget towards the end of the fiscal year. A new flexible honor system should be established, we should be able to trust leaders to make good decisions with our money, so I believe every office should receive a government expense card that will be randomly audited and offices inspected for abuse of card use. This allows agencies and offices to make purchases when needed, as needed....so long as the purchases can be justified.

-It is also a measure of the management capabilities of leaders, to see how well they spend funds by the productivity and readiness of their respective section/unit of government.

Proposal #5 No more titles for bills or laws being put to vote, just prefix letters and numbers

Hereby eliminates names and titles for bill/laws being put to vote that can possibly mislead voters who know nothing of the bill/law, but just vote by seeing a title. So voters would have to research bill/law in order to know what the designation is for e.g. EAR 5103 or HR 2194 or DEF 2332 and to know with absolute certainty what they are voting for. Also, no title may be given to any law/bill by any media entity as well in an attempt to skew public depiction of the law/bill.

Position # 2 Cleaning House/House Keeping:

Proposal #1

Current government offices are too politically entrenched and polarized by our present government situation, which hinders their effectiveness in their duties.

New offices should be formed finding the best from various fields and establishing them as instructors/trainers and leaders in these new government offices/divisions/branches that should slowly phase out the old. Measures to consolidate similar branches to limit bureaucratic issues of communicating and taking action with various offices working on the same case, in a bid to increase long term effectiveness, streamline government processes, and cut unnecessary spending. This will also weed out some politically entrenched undesirables who pay their loyalty more so to one of the current political parties than to the citizens of our nation. (FBI+DHS+ICE+ATF=National Enforcement Department? USArmy+USAF+USN+USC= US Military?/US Armed Forces?/US Defencse Forces?….)

Proposal # 2

A new investigative branch of government be established to weed out corruption directly. This branch will answer to no single individual, only answering to its mandate to weed out internal corruption and ensure laws are followed around the nation and any member of this organization will not hold any position for a term of more than one year. Members will constantly rotate around the country to new investigative/covert positions and no person may serve in this organization for more than six years in field investigation and no more than a total of 10 years overall. Members who wish to continue government service toward retirement will have to serve in another branch of government. These individuals will be trained by the best in the craft they will be investigating under...secretaries, typists, mechanics, custodians, chefs, clerks, guards, delivery workers, etc. all acting as an unknown variable to employers around the country, especially in the government, as their true purpose is to investigate and ensure adherence to law. Fake identifications will be given to agents working in institutions around the country and agents will report all criminal activity with the organization they are investigating for the year and build cases to bring to court.

  • this will also act as a boon for our skill/experience deprived youth, giving them a chance to partake in many types of jobs and training within a single employment choice further enriching our people.

  • Established as yet another part of our system of checks and balances.

  • Also, by moving people around constantly and leaving no central head figure it makes the organization harder to influence with outside forces, with the hope of limiting the capacity of power to corrupt.

  • These people can act as “the police that police the police” that many have asked about.

  • Work directly as a part of the Department of Justice?

Proposal # 3

To combat general ignorance of government operations and to promote more public involvement in the government, it should be that every citizen must serve in government in some capacity for a minimum of two to four years either after their 18th birthday or after their 22nd birthday. If a person chooses not to serve at all, than they forfeit access to any/or some form of welfare, loan, or tax benefit that is funded/backed by tax dollars. The belief is this will aid in the skill gap issues current generations have and also open people to other professions they may not have considered and if they choose to serve before going to college or other higher learning, than they will be able to get some form of student aid when they complete an honorable term of service.

-can be clerks, custodians, orderlies, etc….any office or branch of government

Proposal #4

It is clear that the founders of this nation intended for a minimal standing army to be funded by taxpayers and that they fully intended for the average citizen to be able to take to arms in defense of the nation. Unfortunately, years of “peace” and “prosperity” have brought some people to believe our small standing military will be able to defend all of our land in the event war being brought to our doorstep and these states in our union have gone as far as to disarm the average citizen and have moved to close down military installations within their state lines. More surprisingly, many of these states are on our coastlines giving any invader a very good chance of establishing beachheads on our lands. In light of this national security discrepancy, any state law forbidding its law abiding citizens from keeping and bearing arms equal to or as capable as that state's police and defense forces is hereby void.

-safe firearms handling and instruction should be returned to our schools as in the past when there were pretty much no school shootings like today.

-Also, since so many states have sponsored and added concealed carry licensing programs in the past two decades, it is assumed that these programs are of positive effect and to limit confusion and to maintain better/equal training standard across the board, we should institute a national concealed carry program.

-As far as “gun control” is concerned, we come from a past when more guns were readily available to the everyday citizen than today and there were less incidents back then. So logically, one could assume the lifeless product is not the problem, but rather the people and reducing the rights/privileges of the law-abiding is not a good way to promote good behavior, just like punishing all in a group for the crime of one or a few does not improve moral or favor either, especially when you know who the criminal is.
Proposal #5

We are now and have been part of a global economy and global workforce for a long time now. However, to combat the desires of many of our corporations to outsource labor to non-Americans or move overseas/out of country to use said cheaper labor or to contract overseas business in place of hiring Americans...I propose that any business that operates here in the United States, using 100% only American labor, will be exempt from paying any taxes for operations here in our country and exempt from paying any duties for exporting goods. The executives and owners of these American companies will also receive a tax deduction based on number of United States citizens employed.

Ultimately though, we as a country, must bring back quality and value to the world wide consumer under the “Made in the United States of America” banner, by our individual efforts in everything each of us do.

-selfishness is a curse upon many societies and has been the downfall of many nations/empires of old. The notion that is widely taught of, “….take care of yourself first” is believed to mean in everything a person encounters, which is counter productive. It is ultimately self-destructive, as what team or family can stand when everybody is out for themselves? It just doesn’t work. The other notion of taking as much as possible and giving as little as possible is also destructive thinking more in line with the thoughts of a spoiled child.

Proposal #6

Make it so that when a person passes their property and wealth to others upon death, that the transfer of money and property is not assessed taxes again as they were already taxed when originally acquired by the deceased. In fact, all forms of taxation where the items/properties/services in question get taxed multiple times should be eliminated or reduced significantly.

Proposal #7

Make all employment done by “blind” selection. Applications/Resumes for jobs will all be given assigned numbers....no names, sex, race, religion, or other identifying information is to be put on the applications/resumes just what an individual's skills and accomplishments are. Employers will pick the application/resumes number that best suites their needs. Interviews will also be conducted with interviewers and candidates in separate rooms through voice altering microphones/software. This would hereby render affirmative action no longer necessary as selection will solely be done based on what a person can provide prospective employers. It would eliminate all hiring bias. Of course, companies or organizations that require certain physical feats from candidates, can hold secondary testing after initial selection process (like the military/fire department/certain labor jobs/etc). Careers such as modeling, where physical appearance does matter, will be allowed face to face interviews and other such employment where employers are seeking people of a specific look.

Proposal #8

In accordance with freedom of religion and separation of church and state....it can be seen that teaching only secular science or “atheism” is in fact teaching a “religious belief” in school. In light of this preference to one ideology and belief system in our “melting pot” of many religions and belief systems...in order to bring people to a better understanding of each other so we may live in greater harmony with one another. It is proposed to allow the teaching of core religious philosophy and history in high schools and colleges as electives, from a strictly academic perspective. There will be no “preaching” or trying to convert students. In fact, a teacher in the subject matter cannot teach a religion they claim as theirs presently or in the past and harsh penalties will befall anybody using these classes as a platform to promote or bash another belief system.

-you cannot promote peace between disputing neighbors by erecting taller fences. Only when one has the courage to open up and dare to communicate with patience and humility can the roads to peace begin to be formed.

Proposal #9 The decision of the skillful

The government has no right to dictate/regulate how an individual does their job unless the individual’s endeavor can be proven to be damaging to the greater populace, long term health of the nation, and the environment. The government can set standards to be reached and goals to achieve, but never impede on a citizen’s profession, without the consent of the experienced/trained citizenry of that profession. Exceptions can be made so long as “reasonable” and “measurable” efforts have been made to reach set goals and standards.

In Example: It is well known pouring used cooking oil down the drain is tough the public sewage systems, can cause damage to pipes over time, and can be harmful to the environment if damaged public lines cause sewage leaks. Hence it is a punishable offense with hefty fines in some jurisdictions or even shutdowns for the public good.

However, telling soldiers in the field they must use three legged dogs, because you want them to for whatever reason is overreaching and should only happen with the approval of the soldiers that the government wishes to use the three legged dogs. As the soldier is the professional who should have final say as to the worthiness of the endeavor in the performance of duty.

Also, to protect Railroad retirement, as well as the future retirement prospects of teachers, nurses, fire fighters, EMTs, and police officers across the country. It is proposed that the previous mentioned careers are allowed to invest in and partake in Railroad Retirement, if the members of the nation’s railroad unions (active and retired members) accept their involvement, Railroad Retirement should be renamed to reflect the new joint retirement plan into something like “The Critical Infrastructure Retirement” or whatever reflects the total involvement of these crafts. Also, a new council will be formed to negotiate and represent each craft represented. This would further protect the retirements of Railroad employees that invest in Railroad Retirement, which is something a number of leaders in our government have tried to take from these citizens and ensure retirements for long serving teachers, EMTs, fire fighters, and such that become a part of it. However, whatever voting body is formed the Railroad unions get an additional vote since it was/is their lives that were sacrificed for the initial trust the other crafts will be taking part of.

Proposal #10 Simplified Tax system

Maybe not a flat tax, but a simpler one, so instead of wasting resources auditing the people...the IRS can spend some extra time auditing government agencies. The amount of resources wasted on a complex system, with all kinds of adjustments for whatever reasons, could be best used elsewhere. A generalized lower tax rate across the board and simplification of tax brackets.

In most civil societies, the more laws and rules that are created in regards to an aspect of life, the more complicated and bogged down processes become for that part of life. Who would want to have to read a 1000 page book of traffic laws? also, remember that 1000 page book and drive on the roads hoping not to break a law.....or anything for that matter. New law/regulation is not always the best course of action to fix society's woes. In fact, the best cure is that every individual just move toward finding what is "true" and always seeking to maintain the dignity and honor of not only themselves, but those around them as well....and that doesn't require law....and it is free for everyone to do....historically guaranteed to fix many problems in a family, community, and greater society. So don't waste time on bureaucratic non-sense get your dose of dignity and honor today...all it takes is a little initiative and a little courage.

Proposal #11 The Media

Free speech is free speech, but when it is malicious, promoting violent action or skewing facts, actively trying to steer people a certain way rather than just laying out all the facts, explaining the opposing arguments in whole, and answering arguments with actual physical evidence…then it becomes a destructive tool used to subjugate people with half-truths, opinions posed as fact, and manipulation of statistics. Media bias is indeed a tool being used to cripple not only us, but nations around the world.

Regulation of media outlets, allowing them only to state simple, pure facts with no conjecture or no photography/images or promote one idea/thing over another. Just simple facts like: [News anchor at desk] says: “A person was shot and killed at 9th and Addison last night around 1100pm, police are still investigating the situation. The victim was a university student from ____________ and the suspects the police are looking for fit the following description:…….If you were in the vicinity of that location and believe you saw something that may be of help in the investigation, please contact law enforcement at 000-000-0000.”

Just keeping things simple, no dramatic expositions, only images to help investigations, no conjecture, or anything else. If people want to find out more, they can search for themselves, if they want to draw conclusions, they don’t need somebody to guide their thinking, let them figure it out themselves. Also, if any social platforms that tries to limit a person or entity’s free speech in any way, shape, or form, that in no way calls for violence or physical harm of any person or entity…then the censoring party will be fined a sum of $10,000,000 dollars for every infraction against an individuals right to free speech, so long as sufficient evidence is presented showing that an individuals rights were hindered or damaged by the media platform. Plus, the media platform must publicly apologize across all available media platforms of the era, three times a day for a whole week, stating exactly what they did and who they did it to as well, at the expense of the infringing media platform. $1,000,000 of the $10,000,000 will be awarded to the party who’s rights were infringed upon. Dollar amounts set for this year 2020 and to be adjusted for inflation for every year after 2020. Also, any media entity/outlet trying to alter information/interviews in an effort to misrepresent a person or situation may also be subject to the same penalties written above. In this matter, the right to free speech is retained, but harsh penalties will deter foolish behavior from all sides.

Proposal #12 Rebalancing checks and balances

It is proposed that supreme court justices are to only be nominated by active/retired judges and only be voted into position by current/retired judges as well. This would loosen the grip of influence the other branches of government have on the courts. This course of action, with the new investigative branch proposed earlier would give the judicial branch a boost in power, making law-making law-breakers less likely to influence the law enforcement side of things.