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It doesn’t matter who wins, in the upcoming presidential election, the opposing side will cry foul and it will only escalate tensions, further dividing us. I believe having an entity stepping in, to somehow ensure the integrity of the vote would settle some doubts and curtail some would be violent antagonists, but I am not fool enough to believe it would stop all of the violence from extremist entities…especially those hell bent on having their way. A situation brought upon us by divisive media entities that the people look for answers in and leadership bent on only getting more power. It is my hope though, with a pause in the elections, we could buy some time to stage assets to limit damage or further deter the instigators of violence. Maybe even clear up some of the misinformation and lies being circulated by media entities and other groups in the country. Many voters have expressed their distrust of the mail-in ballots being used for this election and I fully understand their sentiments. If the mail-in ballots can’t be trusted by some and later will be used for claims of election fraud…why continue with the election? Especially if the outcome will only lead to more problems down the line. Having citizens vote during elections is indeed one of the pillars of our society. It gives the people the illusion of choice of who to pawn off the responsibility of their future/freedom to or the actual ability to choose the fate of the nation, but ultimately…the fate of the nation actually rests in the people’s hands with their responsibility or lack of responsibility for themselves and the greater world around them. We have brought ourselves to the brink and only we can bring ourselves out of this mess.

There is no love for either of the two political parties here. As, I have seen presidents openly betray our service men and women for many years, only to have nobody answer for these traitorous acts. I have seen family’s plea to a president to take action after their loved ones died in service to this country and our people for the most part, not giving a crap either, under Clinton’s presidency. The fool only took action when he was under impeachment, only causing more problems in an already unstable region of the world and our people didn’t care about the group that killed their fellow citizens overseas until 9/11. Under the same president, I have seen soldiers and their families stuffed into an unprepared Fort Hood/Killeen area, as the government started shutting down many military installations around the country, stuffing personnel into Fort Hood causing way more unnecessary suffering to servicemen/women and their families, as well as the greater Killeen area then needed.

Let’s not forget President Bush, who was foolish enough to act on old intelligence and unreliable sources, thanks to his predecessor removing many of our assets in the middle east to help “balance the budget” over maintaining national defense interests. This led to some rather pathetic situations when we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan. Not to forget about the troop surge to quell with the rising insurgency, that was praised as a success, but was it? Heck, I was at Camp War Eagle (changed to Camp Hope and then closed down) in Iraq and watched for months as our small outpost engaged the Mahdi army in Sadr City. The radical cleric’s (Sadr) goons bombarded us about everyday from everywhere… soldiers would go out with what limited resources they had, only to watch their numbers slim down one at a time....I remember hearing about our government cutting Sadr a deal. You would think some college educated idiots would learn from history and not cut deals with such deplorable men like Sadr and sure enough, Sadr did what every person like him did in the past...he broke his end of the deal…a deal that should not have taken place in the first place. Then POTUS Bush touted the build up as a success though, the media went with it for the most part, and the people agreed, but all forgot about us...and only those close to us heard our protests and pleas among the piles of rubbish put out by the media, our own government, worms in the same uniform, and so on. Our efforts, of which I volunteered to partake in the mission, were stepped on and betrayed by our own. I would also witness, Al Sadr march triumphantly into the capital, never once did I hear him say we were no longer enemies and that his call for every Iraqi to fight against us was no more…it was a cease fire that Sadr would take full advantage of and more U.S. Coalition lives would be lost, because of. How different would things have been, if we had just took Sadr out from the get go, instead of having our own government make under the table deals with him and preventing us from dealing with a known enemy, someone who demanded all Iraqis to fight us, who helped fuel the insurgency with his Mahdi army and his platform as a cleric. A man who played peoples underlying fears and prejudices against us, no different then other tyrants throughout history…no different from the tyrants that are here in our land now. All that we have to show from that deal was a re-elected Bush, the rising of the Sadrist movement in Iraq, a wasted partially built wall, and a bunch of dead people on both sides that were betrayed, each by their own leaders for political power.

The president after Bush was just as pathetic. Remember the day he claimed to have gotten Bin Laden America? Remember your cheering? The celebrating? All the positive press for the prez? All of the gloating and so on? Well, you forgot something in the process and that is the fact we were still engaged in conflict with the terrorist entity Bin Laden was a part of and hence, by him POTUS, mouthing off right after confirmation of the raid of the compound and Bin Laden's death....he POTUS just de-valued any and all intel we gathered there (which he POTUS bragged to have recovered a lot)....also took away any combat advantage / initiative we would have gained by keeping the death of Bin Laden silent for I don't know maybe a couple of weeks or more. With a little bit of patience and letting your servicemen and women do their jobs, maybe the news report could have been.... " A month ago, I gave an order to execute a very sensitive mission that has resulted in a decisive blow against the terrorist organization know as Al Qiada.... blah blah we got Bin laden and used intelligence/contacts/information recovered from that raid to bring down ten terrorist training centers, capture people funding/aiding terrorist activity, who knows how many other terrorist leaders/ groups/ supporter....blasé blasé" (you get the picture I hope). But, instead we get POTUS and company soaking in some sun, taking credit for work they didn’t do and a mission that started well before, he POTUS and his friends, took office. At the same time they tipped off all of those associated with Bin Laden to start running, because some hurt was coming their way and they kicked everybody in the face, who had sacrificed in this conflict to bring those who would and have been harming Americans for years (even before this war) to justice. I guess if the media puts a positive spin on something like (betraying your armed forces) and the masses think it is good, it must be okay. It is kind of like how most Americans did not care as their neighbors lost jobs to cheaper foreign labor over the years...the masses were satisfied then, but look at us now. I often find myself asking people what would the British have done if they had caught Paul Revere? They would’ve probably charged him as a traitor, but in today’s world if the news and media says a piece of crap traitor is gold and everyone believes it…it must be true huh?. Let’s not forget the administration abandoned some our own in Benghazi to die, but it doesn’t matter to the people, they only believe what big media tells them. The President at the time clearly showed in his actions that he was willing to betray us and did betray us for personal gain.

Peace, freedom, and justice require responsibility.

A real leader is a leader always, not just when they are awarded a position of leadership. A real leader of change will bring the change with them everyday and not just excuses.

Even if president Trump truly intended to clean up the government, it simply will not happen using the same broken machinery that has been bringing us to ruin thus far. Reforms like that never worked in ancient Asian nations/tribes/kingdoms and they definitely won’t work here. There indeed needs to be some kind of “revolution” though, just not necessarily a bloody one. If we want to clean house of all/most of the politically entrenched/corrupt parties, it can’t come from within the broken government. This is not to say there is anything wrong with our system of government, it is my opinion that it just needs to be rebooted with a few tweaks for a modern era. Mostly, the people need to be awakened. Many people would agree in private conversation that the internet is full of crap, the media lies, and in most cases, people can have a civilized discussion with each other in private. But, somehow they, as a group, fall to the garbage spewed by people online, believe the news media when they show something an individual has bias for/against, and start crumbling to group think when put in “groups” of people…it is crazy. People also seem to forget that these media entities are in it for money and power too, so it would behoove them to bombard you with whatever ideas they see most fit to benefit their agendas. It has brought the people to believe many ridiculous notions like choosing the lesser of two evils to lead us…Really? What right minded parent would choose between a murderer and a rapist to watch over their children? Or a thief and pedophile? None would be chosen, so why would you choose “leaders” who have not led or show little to no leadership qualities through action only to complain about the outcomes of those choices later? Not hard, in a self orientated society, to understand why nobody knows what leadership is, because it is not a selfish thing. The saddest thing is, most people are so enamored by the presidential election they don’t even pay any attention to the local elections that have greater impacts on them, because they’ve been duped into focusing solely on the presidential election. Most people today, never pay attention to the fools being elected to their local government, heck most people probably couldn’t even tell you one fact about all candidates running for local government positions.

It is not a surprise the focus is only on the presidential election, as it has been the norm for decades to pass the buck of blame to whoever is in the office of president. Whether it be mayors, city council members, governors, or senators and such….they all like blaming someone else for their failures, especially whoever is president (especially a president from the opposing party) and people believe it without second thought. Like during hurricane Katrina, Former Mayor Ray Nagin of New Orleans cried and pleaded for help after it was too late, only blaming the greater government for his failures as a leader. After all, he was the government’s man on the ground and chief representative of his city what could other agencies possibly do without proactive leadership on his part? Nothing really…especially nothing really effective, as mayor, he should know what assets are available to him for emergencies, also, he should have studied the terrain and past hurricanes to know the best way to evacuate a citizens, but nothing of the sort happened. Well, now he was released early from prison sentence thanks to the coronavirus.

Anyhow, I fully understand a temporary stay in governance, to hold investigations led by members of the military and such can be scary. In fact, I fully acknowledge that there is a danger of people taking advantage of the situation to consolidate massive amounts of wealth and power. But, it is my intention return power to the people by holding elections as quickly as possible and return to the obscurity from whence I came. Any attempt to take power or redirect power without the consent of the people will be met with military force. As such, this is a military expedition and interference will be dealt with accordingly. I understand things are a big mess now and naturally, I don’t want to be the one to clean it all up. But, you will never get the ruling powers to police themselves…so we must take action. I just want peace, to do my job, live my life with my family, watch my kids grow up with better opportunities than what I had…not less, and see what the beast of infinite possibilities has in store for us. Also, I can guarantee the American people one thing, if they decide to move along the path of honor, things will get harder, times will get tougher, because to move from the downward path of lies we are on now will mean facing the truth of our condition as a nation. But, in the end the path of honor will save this nation, wherefore continuing on the path we are on will only be our pit and the pendulum like death.