To my fellow servicemen and women of the United States Armed Forces, intelligence community, Law enforcement community, and other parts of our government. Trying times have befallen our nation in so many ways... it breaks my heart to think how we have come to this point in our young nation's history and it is my hope, the burdens of our people, the burdens of our country burn in your hearts too. Our people are divided in so many ways and yet here we are brothers and sisters watching them splinter from within, sometimes even witnessing some of our own contributing to the destruction. But, I cry out to each of you to remember your oath of service and what your position exists for. Remember, first and foremost, that we all swore to defend this nation and its constitution above all else. Remember our nation is made of people and not mere numbers on a piece of paper....nor is it made of a government. Like an army is not made of tanks, uniforms, or generals, but rather the hardened steel will of the soldiers that represent it, so is our nation made of the people within it. The citizens, their dreams, their hopes, their rights, and well being are ours to defend. For there is not a single nation of this world that is birthed by laws or government, but rather by the collective will of a group of people. However, when those people are no longer unified or can no longer stand together, the nation just like a divided army will fail.

Secondly, I would remind you that our constitution, that we all swore to uphold and defend, that has lifted our nation and our people high for so many years, is ours to defend no matter the odds or ends. When threatened from enemies both foreign and domestic we must act accordingly to the benefit of the people that constitution was made to protect. Like all rule of law, if we let some trample on it without penalty, then what purpose does the law serve if it is empty? As citizens sworn to service, we are the ones the nation, trusts to uphold the integrity of the laws giving them purpose through action.


Yet here we are, we work in a government that is run by two parties that have split our people and broken our nation...two parties that harbor some people who have committed actions that can be construed as treason as defined by our constitution..two parties with members that would take from their people first before giving of themselves, at times threatening even our own wages, retirement, and other benefits, before sacrificing of their privileges first. Leaders that position themselves to gain from our people's tax money by lining the pockets of businesses that either they in part or wholly own or their compatriots and benefactors are the owners of. These leaders spend their time campaigning for themselves rather than serving and letting their service be their campaign. Furthermore, these so called leaders do not serve our country as a whole, but rather split us apart only catering to groups they feel will benefit them in the long run...and when will it be the next group's turn to be cut down? When will it be yours? They do all sorts of things, but the one thing they are paid to do...serve us all, as one nation, one people. There are some of us, who serve in the lower tiers of our government that have seen their crimes to some degree, but may feel powerless to stop these potentates misdeeds or bring these potentates to justice and rightly so. How can one expect justice when members of the higher courts are nominated and confirmed by these two parties? How can one expect justice when people can commit crimes in front of the nation and the nation applauds them for it or ignore their misdeeds just, because the media puts a positive spin on their deviant actions or redirects attention elsewhere? How can one expect justice when these officials put their “yes” men and woman everywhere and dispose of those who oppose them or force them out of service? Remember your oaths. Who do you serve? For that is going to be put to the test.

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If it is so in you to decide to uphold your oath and you choose the survival of this nation and our people...Then I implore you to take action for our people and remember these words from a document that helped plant the seed of this nation... “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, – That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

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We must act to deter violence. We must act to, at the very least, protect the innocent law abiding civilians that want nothing more than to live good and be good. We must act at the very least for the surviving family members of our fallen comrades who died in service to this country. We must act to give even our own families half the chance at something better than what they are being given. Don't fall to the same selfish cowardice that has destroyed our nation over the decades of my life. The same selfishness that had Americans not care as their neighbor's job was shipped overseas to cheaper labor... The same selfishness that leads our people to ignorance about what others do for them... The same selfishness that has destroyed our nation's families, communities, and even our own bonds in our own organizations.


My proposals are listed on this website...nothing set in stone, all up for debate, but better than doing nothing. If you so agree with me, that we must take action, then march with me to the capital to place our leaders under investigation and if any citizen supports our cause, let them fly a solid colored flag of our nation, either solid red, white, or blue in front of their doors or in their community buildings if their community supports us...even their state buildings if the state chooses to support us as a whole. To our brothers and sisters around the world being vigilant for the international endeavors of our country, maintain your last standing orders and know that help is not far away, should entities try to take advantage of the unrest in our country...if we must stop all things to aid you, we will. Any major command is to be at the ready for immediate deployment. If you are for our cause then no more then three percent of your personnel/resources should be committed as to not hinder the defense of our nation too much. Any prior service veteran willing, is called to service again...we march, for the nation we all swore to protect from enemies foreign and domestic. At the end of all this, no matter the end result, I place myself under the judgment of the people and assume all responsibility even if it costs my life. This is not a military take over, civil authority will be returned once the investigations are completed, the elections will be conducted….We will leave what to do with the results of the investigations with the proper authorities and the people of the nation. Also, any entity, attempting pay/bribe others to use less than honorable means to hijack our nation or subdue our movement...instead of accepting the pittance of pay from the wealth of those entities, I promise you all of their liquid wealth if you bring evidence of their nefarious intentions to us. As for the perpetrators in power committing crimes against our nation...confess and be given some kind of mercy...expect none from me otherwise.

Primary Objectives:

  1. Ensure the integrity of the vote meets the general populaces opinion as acceptable/trustworthy and at the minimum ensure the citizenry is protected from the violent actions of extremists.

  2. Investigate and subdue entities inside and outside of the government and country attempting to illegally influence the election or divide our people through information warfare/psychological operations.

  3. Investigate and subdue top tier public officials and government department heads suspected of fraud/waste/abuse, gerrymandering, corruption, and other crimes.

  4. Make sure that powers/authorities are transferred in peace, back to respective offices of governance to legitimate election winners.

Secondary Objectives:

  1. If the people so desire, oversee areas that lose leadership due to arrests or trials.

  2. See that the people have a chance to decide on proposals listed here.