To my fellow servicemen and women of the United States Armed Forces, intelligence community, Law enforcement community, and other parts of our government. Trying times have befallen our nation in so many ways... it breaks my heart to think how we have come to this point in our young nation's history and it is my hope, the burdens of our people, the burdens of our country burn in your hearts too. Our people are divided in so many ways and yet here we are brothers and sisters watching them splinter from within, sometimes even witnessing some of our own contributing to the destruction. But, I cry out to each of you to remember your oath of service and what your position exists for. Remember, first and foremost, that we all swore to defend this nation and its constitution above all else. Remember our nation is made of people and not mere numbers on a piece of paper....nor is it made of a government. Like an army is not made of tanks, uniforms, or generals, but rather the hardened steel will of the soldiers that represent it, so is our nation made of the people within it. The citizens, their dreams, their hopes, their rights, and well being are ours to defend. For there is not a single nation of this world that is birthed by laws or government, but rather by the collective will of a group of people. However, when those people are no longer unified or can no longer stand together, the nation just like a divided army will fail.
Primary Objectives:
Ensure the integrity of the vote meets the general populaces opinion as acceptable/trustworthy and at the minimum ensure the citizenry is protected from the violent actions of extremists.
Investigate and subdue entities inside and outside of the government and country attempting to illegally influence the election or divide our people through information warfare/psychological operations.
Investigate and subdue top tier public officials and government department heads suspected of fraud/waste/abuse, gerrymandering, corruption, and other crimes.
Make sure that powers/authorities are transferred in peace, back to respective offices of governance to legitimate election winners.
Secondary Objectives:
If the people so desire, oversee areas that lose leadership due to arrests or trials.
See that the people have a chance to decide on proposals listed here.