If there is no Hope, then make it.

People always have weak excuses to do nothing when faced with problems, but still complain about the results of their inaction. A common occurrence in our society, even when there are so many examples that show us the infinite possibilities out there if you just dare to try for something else.

Ultimately, I decided on this path in an effort to pave a way to something different than the options my people were being given and as a direct response to all of the murders, assaults, rapes, and destruction being caused by the toxic politics of the day, of which I hold the mainstream media, social media, and all current elected leaders, at fault for promoting this chaos at the expense of our people. Instead of trying to diffuse these situations and moving to come to terms of understanding, they always pit us against each other just to point the finger at the opposition and we fall for it. Well, I am sick of it…I am here to make them answer for all of the victims of assaults, rapes, murders, and other violence caused to our people who have had their constitutional rights and lives stepped on by these politicians and media entities that have incited the violence and protests happening across the country with their half-truths and out right lies in some cases. I haven’t forgotten you, even if your leaders have…just like I never forgot the families that protested their jobs being outsourced as “free trade” started taking its toll on the nation in my youth….just like I never forgot the tears of the families left after the attack on the USS Cole or the two embassy bombings before…just like I never forgot seeing my fellow military dependents stuck in GP medium tents with all of their belongings thanks to a government that just didn’t care…the same government that would stab me in the back too while I wore the military uniform like my father before me…the same government with officials that took other peoples’ suffering and used it for personnel gain, like they used so many of our dead or wounded warriors during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom in pursuit of their personal agendas….I have not forgotten and I am tired of waiting/hoping for someone to help our country and bring justice for these souls that were left behind, forgotten, or crushed. I am tired of seeing my country move toward destruction.

Knowing there is no way any politician would commit political suicide acting on any of my suggestions (as I have already tried to make that happen) or in a way to steer our government in a new direction other than the two choices we’ve been having, nor would any other politically entrenched official do anything outside the norm of the day…I intend to act an outside 3rd party to reinforce our system of checks and balances. To really “drain the swamp” as our current president put it and I have the full intent of executing those found to be traitors and those that conspired with them…even complicit secret service agents and other security forces that know of the officials wrong doings…they are all traitors in my book and should be dealt with as such, to set an example to others that such behavior will not be tolerated anymore. The only way to mercy for them is to confess and turn in their fellow conspirators…only then can their lives be spared.

I refer to myself as SPECTER, not as a name, more as title for any warrior in the future who stands for our people when the government fails to the point of mass suffering across the land…with the sole purpose of weeding out corruption. There is no need for names other than that….you could call me soldier….airman…sailor…marine….agent…as this is not about getting fame or power and I would hope any warrior would be willing to stand in my shoes. I leave behind my family, friends, good job, and decent life to hopefully pave a way for better times for all…especially for my own children. To my family, all I can say is I am sorry that I was not able to find a better way than this, you know I tried…but, being a limited person this was the only option left amidst all of the smoke and mirror games being played. I love you all and I hope to return to you just like I left, but with victory in hand….if I shouldn’t make it, know my heart is with you and what I do, I do for all of us. If I should die, may my body be cremated and ashes scattered in the wind across the land I so loved, so I can be a part of it and my people always. If I should be silenced and imprisoned, for those that know me, do not concern yourselves with any falsehoods that should come about, you know me and that is enough…just live your lives good and leave me to my fate.

“A deep man believes that the evil eye can whither, the heart's blessing can heal, and that love can overcome all odds.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Where there is no hope, it is incumbent on us to invent it.” ― Albert Camus

“The soldier that fights to the death never dies, but the soldier who fights for existence never truly exists” —Admiral Yi Sun Shin

Final note, forge for hope is alluding to the fact that doing the right thing is not always the easiest path and fighting to bring hope or change the course of a nation will definitely hammer a people out…it will be hard, it will be dangerous, painful, and tiring, but in the end…what comes from our forge will be stronger for it. Just as many POWs and Medal of Honor recipients teach us…hope is there if we reach for it, hope is there if we make it, and hope can pull through if we cling to it even in the darkest, most uncertain of times…we can prevail. Just like Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez, Corporal Tibor Rubin, Corporal Hiroshi Miyamura, Petty Officer Michael Thornton, Private First Class Clarence Sasser, and many more show us that nothing is impossible even in the face of overwhelming odds.


To the BMWED